Great Smeaton Primary School


Please see our previous weekly newsletters for:

News and Notices

Curriculum and Learning information

Celebrating Our Achievements

Recommended Reads

Inspirational People Assembly Information 

School and Community Information and Guidance



 GS Newsletter Week 33 9 6 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 32 26 5 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 31 19 5 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 30 12 5 23 .pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 29 5 5 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 28 28 4 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 27 21 4 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 26 31 3 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 25 24 3 23.pdfDownload
 GS Newsletter Week 24 17 3 23.pdfDownload
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